Hello! Welcome to the logistics page. We will be posting all relevant information for our class. If you did not find the information that you were looking for, please either make a private post on Piazza, or send an email to either Geoffrey Angus (gangus@stanford.edu) or Sabri Eyuboglu (eyuboglu@stanford.edu).
Class Times
Class | Time | Location |
1 | Segunda-feira, 13h40-15h40 | Bom Jesus Centro |
2 | Segunda-feira, 16h00-16h50 | Bom Jesus Centro |
3 | Terça-feira, 09h30-11h30 | SESC |
4 | Terça-feira, 13h40-15h40 | SESC |
5 | Quarta-feira, 09h30-11h30 | SESC |
6 | Quarta-feira, 13h40-15h40 | SESC |
7A | Quarta-feira, 16h50-17h40 | Bom Jesus Centro |
7B | Quarta-feira, 16h50-17h40 | Bom Jesus Centro |
8 | Quinta-feira, 13h40-15h40 | Bom Jesus Lourdes |
9 | Quinta-feira, 16h50-17h40 | Bom Jesus Lourdes |
10 | Sexta-feira, 13h30-15h30 | Bom Jesus Lourdes |
11 | Sexta-feira, 16h00-16h50 | Bom Jesus Lourdes |
We will be managing our classes on a website called Repl.it. It allows anyone to program in Python from any computer in the world, without requiring Python installation. In order to participate in the class and complete the assignments, you must create an account here.
Any questions that you may have about the course logistics or materials will be answered on a website called Piazza, a Q&A platform for students and teachers. In order to ask questions and receive class announcements, please make an account here.